Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who am I?

I've been meaning to blog for the longest time.  Writing has always been a passion of mine but somewhere along life's way like everything else we believe in, we forget what really makes us happy.  My last ten years in the spa industry have been such a learning experience about wellness and lifestyle choices, and I've always wanted to find a way to share it.  So I came up with the Sprinkle of the Day - droplets of information that I can shower you with.  Sometimes it will be relaxing and refreshing just like a pacific rain shower and other times it might be deep enough to create puddles and pools of information that you can immerse yourself in.  But the inspiration will always be water - which happens to be the origin of the spa lifestyle but more important, it's about us and the world - both made up mostly of water.

Just like water, this blog will flow freely where life directs it.  For instance, I happen to have two beautiful dogs - a golden retriever and a chocolate lab.  Those two aim for the water and take so much joy in it and consequently, watching them gives me that inner sense of peace.  Animals can be an integral part of your wellness and they certainly are mine.  So at times, I may blog about my two 'boys' as I fondly refer to them, and hopefully share the same sense of well-being they bring to my life.

I've read so many tips on how to blog and how to tweet and most of them tell you to come up with ONE general direction.  Like water, I'll flow towards the spaces that need to be filled.  Now and then I may appear to digress, but like the water in a shallow river, I may slip through the rocks and even travel up the banks but I will always flow back to the source.

I hope to be part of your day's ritual and shower you with enough information to help cleanse your body, soul and mind.


  1. Way to go!!! I'll keep this link on my favorites!!! ciao

  2. After reading your every word I still am beaming in awe, respect and
    love. You, my Princess, have created something so inspiring that my
    world has expanded just by reading it. It is timely, important and
    written beautifully..I cannot express the pride as well as praise I feel
    for you. It is an important concept written brilliantly. I shall share
    it with others and anxiously await any and every addition to it.
